Decided to take a little drive to a local fair to see what kind of images I could get. Ended up going to Hamilton County. Hamilton County is located in Iowa and has a population of almost 16k. The county was named in honor of William W. Hamilton. Mr Hamilton was the President of Iowa State Senate in 1845. More fun facts!
I picked this fair due to being open and the size. I needed a fair that I could split a video to show the differences between RAW Aerial Footage (RAF) and Edited Aerial Footage (EAF). I figured a fair would have a lot of colors that would stand out as the video rolled on. Although a small fair, I feel this gets the point across for the meaning of RAF. This footage is untouched on one side, and simple color edits on the other. So, I fly my drone, record what is needed, and the video is done.
The below image gallery has all the different aerial images I took that day. Also included a few that my friend, Brad took on the ground of me and my drone. Had to, I liked them. Also worked on commercial aerials again to get used to getting that full perspective of aerial commercial photography, but not much different than aerial real estate property.
The main difference is this can be used for years to come for marketing materials. These images can be used for brochures, postcards, commercials, social media campaigns, and much more. Marketing depends on your industry and how far your imagination can reach.
Hope you enjoy the aerial imagery.