Yesterday I went on a little drive to get a few things from a store in Ames, IA. Decided to take my drone with me and try to get a few pictures, after all it was a beautiful day. After a lot of nahs and second guessing my decisions on what to take aerial photos of, I decided to take images of all the water towers on my way there and back. On this one I decided to add some unedited aerial footage. The short video clips are short examples of RAW aerial footage. This would the kind of footage purchased for commercials, documentaries, TV shows or movies, or just added to your marketing assets and used for many marketing campaigns.
I started in Slater, IA.
Please enjoy some water towers…..
Slater Iowa’s Water Tower Aerial Photography
Slater is a town in Story County, Iowa with a whopping population of 1,497 people. The town was named after Michael Slater. Michael was the original owner of the town site. The more you know!
Huxley Iowa’s Water Tower Aerial Photography
The second town was Huxley. Again Huxley is in Story County, but unlike Slater’s measly population, Huxley comes in at 3,604 people occupying the metropolis. Huxley was the home town of Riley Finn, star in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fun facts.
Luther Iowa’s Water Tower Aerial Photography – kind of boring, not many photos
Third was Luther, IA. Home of Whatcha Smokin BBQ & Brew & BFE Vintage Motorcycles, which is in Boone County, Iowa. This town takes the cake on population, an extraordinary 122 folks living here. The town was named after Clark Luther, a former local merchant. Knowledge is power!
Madrid Iowa’s Water Tower Aerial Photography
Lastly, and my stomping grounds, Madrid, IA. Madrid is also located in Boone County, IA. My town has a huge population of 2,597. Madrid was home to Dick Jensen, member of the 1969-1970 Iowa Hawkeyes men’s basketball team. The town has done a great job of utilizing their water tower as an advertisement for the High Trestle Bridge. “The river of knowledge has no depth.” Quote by Chinonye J. Chidolue
I could take these whole towns in one image, which would be a great cheap marketing asset for a small business in or near a little town. It displays the location in the image and gives that perspective that usually has never been seen before. Allows the marketer to stand out with their marketing materials, while sending a message. By utilizing Ceaser’s Aerial Marketing’s RAW Aerial Footage or just aerial imagery, you could take advantage of your towns billboard, the water tower.
These towns are the original heart of Iowa, and always will be. History cannot be deleted. So if you have a chance, take a cruise and tour these for towns. I guarantee you’ll find something that interests you!